
my favorite girl in the world

Tomorrow my sweet little niece Rosalie Ashley Rinderknecht turns FIVE months! Wow, time flies. I was able to be there when Rose was born and I can honestly say it was the most beautiful, happy & spiritually uplifting thing I'd ever experienced. She is so perfect & precious to me. I'd protect her with my life. It's a strange new thing to me, to love something so much. I mean, I love Brady with all my heart & soul, but this is a different love & I'm just her Aunt!! 
I'm so grateful I was able to take pictures of this princess. I can't believe it's been 5 months since I took these photographs! Rose has grown so much since she was born. I love this lil gal so much. Make sure you check back next week for the rest of my pictures of Rose when she was born & go see my sister's blog: blondewithachanse.com to see how she's grown!


  1. She is so little and perfect! I can't believe how much she has grown :) You did such a perfect job with these pictures! Love you! Rose is blessed to have you as her aunt and we both can't wait to see you :)

  2. I am not a mom, but I am itching for marriage and children. Anyhow I was never into to mommy blog post until recently and I must say your photo's by far are the best i've seen. Job well done. Beautiful bambino..www.beautyjunkkie.com

    1. Wow. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you so much!! I hope you find your perfect soul mate!
